Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

I can't believe that September is half way through! The weather people are forecasting cooler temperatures for the area which makes me hopeful that Fall is finally starting to come to town. The trees don't change until October or November but the cooler temperatures and drier air are definitely worth getting excited about! With the cooler days, B and I will spend more time outside on the weekends...doing the 5 mile loop at Harris Lake and exploring Eno River State Park.

All has not been lost though...even though the weather may have been hot and muggy, the stores and malls have been wonderfully cool! I've been on a spending spree lately and have been been working on doing some minor decorating. In addition to the bedroom set we bought at the end of August, we purchased a 46" LCD tv for the lamps for the ottoman for my vanity table....some fabric and paint to refurbish my sofa table and turn it into the vanity table I mentioned above. I also bought a dining room table, ordered custom framing for my Monet replica, and bought a Wii.

Gotta run for now...but will definitely be writing more this week 'cause I've got something heavy weighing on my chest and will need to vent.

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