Tuesday, April 06, 2010

We're PREGNANT! - 12 dpo

After the trigger shot that I took on 3/23, I was concerned that I wouldn't ovulate...I mean, it had been a damn uphill battle just to get me to ovulate so I wasn't 100% convinced that a single HCG shot was going to do it for me.  I brought up my concerns when we went in for the IUI and Angela (the nurse) said that I had to take a leap of faith and just trust that it did what it was supposed to do.  So, I begrudgingly did as she asked and just took that jump.

Of course, we then hit the horrible 2ww and I will admit that I was a little obsessive about analyzing any and all "pregnancy" symptoms.  As we got closer to our Easter trip home, I became more and more convinced that the IUI didn't work and I was definitely not pregnant.  All things considered, I was ok with that...we could always do another round of injections and I was going to insist that they give me two trigger shots this next time instead of just the one.

Saturday was spent having an Easter picnic at Sugar Hollow and was full of people asking me if we were pregnant yet.  Saturday night, when I wiped with the toilet paper, it was slightly...faintly....pink but I pushed the thought out of my head.  Sunday morning, there were a couple of other instances of the pink spotting and I was beginning to wonder if it was possible that I was experiencing implantation bleeding.  My friend, J, told me her implantation bleeding story and it sounded really similar but I didn't dare to hope.

Monday morning, I woke up from a horrible dream in which B got us banned from a Harris Teeter for stealing a pregnancy test.  Before I even realized what I was doing, I had PIAC and dipped an internet test strip.  Three minutes later, it had a faint second line.  My hands were shaking as I called B and he immediately wanted to see pics of this "positive" test.  Unfortunately, in the pictures it was so faint that you almost thought you were imagining it.  I decided to take another brand around 9:30 and it was without a doubt positive so I took it and went to the Triangle to have lunch with B so that he could see.

On the way home, I purchased a pack of digital tests and waited for B to get home to take it.  Two minutes after putting the cap on, it popped up the single most beautiful word in the world: PREGNANT.  We couldn't deny it now.....we were pregnant.

Monday evening was pretty much spent on the phone telling our family and by 10 PM I was ready for bed.  Tuesday morning dawned (after a very restless night of sleep) and I PIAC and dipped a non-digital test that I had also purchased Monday.  Three minutes later....only one line, my heart fell through the floor.  Refusing to admit defeat, I pulled out the extra digital and dipped it.  Two minutes later....PREGNANT.  I went back to the remaining non-digital and tested it.........no line.  Two internet strips.....extremely faint lines.  B said not to worry, to call the doctor, have the blood test, and relax.  As soon as he left, I went to four different places (most stores are not open at 6:45 in the morning) and bought three different boxes.  I went back to the house and dipped again.  The non-digital one was super faint but the two digital test both said PREGNANT.  I was scared and worried and had to wait until 8:20 for me to reach someone at the doctor's office.

The appointment was made for me to come in for the blood draw at 10 AM and I was home by 10:30 AM.  At around 11:30 AM, Angela called with the results.....................I was officially pregnant.  Levels are below:
  • HCG - 79
  • Progesterone - 29
I go back in on Thursday for a repeat blood test to measure the doubling time and will go in on April 22nd for the first u/s to look for a heartbeat (and find out how many I'm carrying).  My due date is December 16, 2010.

This journal's focus will be shifting in the coming weeks from a summary of my life with infertility to a journal of my life as we make plans to welcome our little one at the end of the year.  It has been a difficult journey...one I never thought we'd see the end of, but I'm so glad to be moving on to the next phase of my life with B and "Wilson".

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