Frankly, I didn't think Sunday would get here soon enough. I had been waiting all week long for the next episode of TrueBlood! Last night's episode didn't disappoint...but personally, I thought the first 2 minutes were the best. There are two things I will complain about though. First, another week has gone by without further developing the storyline with Eric! Second, I now have another 6 days until the next episode comes on. What really sucks is that there are only 5 more episodes left in this season...which also is the number of chapters in the first book. I REALLY don't know how I'm going to be able to make it once the show is on hiatus and the next book isn't due out until MAY!
I was able to keep busy this weekend though. We ran some errands and I bought a KVM switch for my desktop computer. Yesterday, I got my work area cleaned up and installed all the stuff on my desktop that had been recently formatted. I installed a new game too and spent a lot of time trying it out. I watched 8 episodes of Angel from season 1...mainly hoping that the distraction of a non-Bill/non-Eric vampire would somehow make me forget how long I had until the next episode. It didn't help.
We're going back to Abingdon this weekend. Mom's chicks should be arriving on Wednesday and she's super excited. Matt will be staying with us next week. I've also got some family drama going on that I'm going to have to deal with. I'm so tired of all this crap going on within the family since my grandfather's death. Hopefully, grandmother and I will have some time to talk this weekend.
you can waste a lot of time here:
first chapters of new books come here too. Enjoy!!
what can i say besides....WOW!
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